Teen Well Being Programs
Teen Confidence
Confidence, like everything else, can really fluctuate during the teen years. When confidence is low, you lack trust in yourself and your abilities; you can see yourself as lacking compared to others, or less than. Negative self-judgements can emerge.
These perceptions can prevent you rising to a challenge, accomplishing goals and attaining success in everyday ways. They hold you back from truly enjoying your life.
Indicators of lack of confidence include:
Feeling uneasy and worried for no specific reason
Difficulty keeping eye contact when talking to people
Consistently under-achieving at school
Socially, being overly loud or inappropriate
Judging yourself through the eyes of others
Adopting defensive physical postures when interacting with people, such as crossed arms and leaning back
What can I do?
Boost your self belief with the Teen Confidence Program.
This pack includes:
Confidence Guided Meditation, to strengthen positive perceptions. Designed to be listened to regularly, play it in the background while doing other things, or while sitting with eyes closed.
Teen Confidence Essential Oil, specially formulated to invigorate senses and enliven outlook. Ideal for diffuser in a study, bedroom or lounge.
The Teen WellBeing Handbook, with Action Plan, practical advice, strategies and exercises to develop trust in your own judgment, value and abilities. Also designed to encourage self-worth, a positive internal voice, and life success.
Teen Calm
Feeling nervous or uneasy when facing a new experience is part of a normal stress response designed to help you deal with an unknown or tricky situation.
What if the stress response doesn’t improve an outcome but actually makes it worse? Or anxious feelings stay with you long after the situation has passed, and you’re left with continuing low-level restlessness or fear? It can mean you are stuck in the stress response.
Indicators of lack of calm include:
Feeling uneasy and worried for no specific reason
Inability to concentrate
Dread of the future
Avoidance of social situations or excess worry about others' opinions
Anxiety when away from phone / devices / tech
Physical symptoms with feelings of anxiety: heart palpitations, lack of appetite, nausea, headaches, insomnia, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweaty palms.
What can I do?
Take back control of anxiety and stress with the Teen Calm Program. The pack includes:
De-stress Guided Meditation, to calm the mind. Designed to be listened to regularly, play it in the background while doing other things, or while sitting with eyes closed.
Teen Calm Essential Oil, specially selected to relax and centre you. Ideal for diffuser in a study, bedroom or lounge.
The Teen WellBeing Handbook, with Action Plan, practical advice, strategies and exercises to promote emotional equilibrium, mental relaxation, and healthy sleep patterns. Helping you live the life you choose for yourself.
Teen Friends
We are born social beings. Some of us thrive with a diversity of friendships; others are content to have a few deep ones with those who share common ideas and interests.
Maybe you're struggling to connect with new people. Or have friends that frustrate you, put you down or never seem to be there for you. Perhaps you're just looking for change.
Indicators of unsatisfying friendships include:
Spending most time alone
Choosing friends who take advantage of, or speak down to you
Not feeling confident or good about yourself around others
Apologising or explaining yourself often - 'I am sorry I do this because...Please let me explain...'
Friends expect you to be just like them
What can I do? ​
Learn how to connect with and retain friends more easily with the Teen Friends Program. The pack includes:
Manifestation Guided Meditation, to attract satisfying friendships. Designed to be listened to regularly, play it in the background while doing other things, or while sitting with eyes closed.
Teen Friends Essential Oil, specially formulated to ease worry and aid a relaxed frame of mind around people. Ideal for diffuser in a study, bedroom or lounge.
The Teen Well Being Handbook, with Action Plan, practical advice, strategies and exercises to help you maintain enjoyable relationships. Based on principles of natural medicine, energy healing and quantum physics.
Teen Concentration
Lack of concentration can occur as the brain adapts to growth and natural body changes. Or for medical, psychological or social reasons.
Anxiety, pre-menstrual tension, liver issues, tech addiction, environmental stress and poor sleep or nutrition should be considered or ruled out when a consistent loss of concentration is experienced.
Indicators of lack of concentration include:
Forgetfulness or a mind that wanders
A short attention span
Lower than expected school grades
Tuning out when others speak
Taking a long time to complete routine tasks
A recurring sense of missed opportunities due to inattention
What can I do?
Sharpen focus and brainpower with the Teen Concentration Program. The pack includes:
Unwind Guided Meditation, to assist brain balance and enhance focus. Designed to be listened to regularly, play it in the background while doing other things, or while sitting with eyes closed.
Teen Concentration Essential Oil, specially selected to boost energy and sharpen concentration. Ideal for diffuser in a study, bedroom or lounge.
The Teen WellBeing Handbook, with Action Plan, practical advice, strategies and exercises to help you identify goals, enhance creative and analytic focus and complete undertaken tasks.
Teen Motivation
In the teen years there’s a natural shift from being motivated by external factors such as parental, teacher and social approval, to internal motivation. You start to contemplate how life can best work for you, what life means to you and what naturally motivates you.
This can be challenging though. Sometimes it seems there are too many decisions to consider, you experience uncertainty or anxiety about how best to approach them and this can manifest as indecisiveness.
Indicators of a lack of motivation include:
Lacking ambition or the drive to finish everyday tasks
Spending most of the time on phone / computer / tech
Finding it difficult to study, or take action
Feeling overwhelmed
What can I do?
Get up and go with the Teen Motivation Program.
The pack includes:
Chakra Balance Guided Meditation, to bring physical, emotional and mental health into alignment and to promote purposeful action. Designed to be listened to regularly, play it in the background while doing other things, or while sitting with eyes closed.
Teen Motivation Essential Oil, specially formulated to sharpen mental clarity and boost energy. Ideal for diffuser in a study, bedroom or lounge.
The Teen WellBeing Handbook, with Action Plan, practical advice, strategies and exercises to address procrastination, lethargy, frustration and repressed emotions. Clearing away what holds you back allows sustained motivation, mental clarity and willpower to surface and be utilized effectively.
Information and techniques in the Teen Well Being Programs should not be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Use is at discretion of the individual. Consummate Health may not be held responsible for inappropriate use of information on this site or for any adverse effects or consequences that may arise as a result of implementation of any of the information acted on or for any omissions or errors within it.
Do not stop prescribed meditation without medical supervision.