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Why wait for New Years resolutions? Finish your year strong!!


Today we’re talking about something that’s really important as we head into the final stretch of 2024—manifesting your goals and making them happen before the end of the year! 

Did you set some big goals at the beginning of the year? — What were your goals?

To lose weight, find the right partner, travel more, or land that dream job... but...

Have you really made the progress you wanted? Or does it feel as if you’re stuck in the same place that you were at the beginning of the year?  Remember the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray? He keeps waking up to the same day, over and over.

Well, how many of us are living YEARS like that—stuck in the same routine, with the same goals, and seeing nothing change? 


There's a few reasons this might be happening, and I wanted to discuss two of those big reasons today.

You’re either being held back by something you haven’t addressed, OR your goals aren’t actually exciting you.

Firstly let’s start with the What could be holding You Back?

Sometimes it’s fear—fear of failure or even fear of success. Or it could be limiting beliefs like, "I’m not good enough," or "I don’t deserve this." These beliefs can run deep, and if we don’t address them, they keep us stuck in place.  Maybe you’ve been carrying around past trauma or have people in your life who are influencing your mindset—people who don’t really support you or don’t believe in the same things you do.

Take a moment to ask yourself, “What is it that’s holding me back from moving forward with my goals?” 

Maybe they’re not even your goals, but those that others have told you should be your priorities.

So are they your goals? Or someone elses? And do they even excite you?

Be honest with yourself—are these goals things you want to achieve, or are they what others expect of you? Maybe you’ve set a goal to lose weight because that’s what society tells us to do, but deep down, it’s not something that excites you and when we set goals that don’t light us up, it’s no wonder we lose motivation.

So, take a moment to check in with yourself. Are your goals driven by passion, or are they influenced by what other people think? 

Once you have identified what could be holding you back and reassessed if your goals truly excite you, you can make the end of 2024 count!

And to help you identify some of these issues - we've created this free workbook that you can download here to really get stuck into your goals BEFORE new years even gets here!



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